There They Are!

While I was at work today, I looked out the window and two Jehovah's Witness women were walking by. Last week I had talked to two other Jehovah's Witness young women in the same spot. I asked a question about Jesus' Resurrection. The young girl (Alex) did not know how to answer my question, I gave her my number and she said she would research it and get back to me. She hasn't so far. A week prior I asked the same question to a group of JW's, I gave one, my number and address and she said she would call and visit me. She hasn't so far either.

It seems my past is catching up with me. A little over a year ago two Jehovah's Witnesses came by. Maricela and Zari. Maricela came every week for several months and always brought someone different with her. I knew Zari, she had worked at my cat's vet. Maricela grew up as a JW. I spent the next few months asking them questions. Until one day Maricela brought an older women. This woman Cindy, wouldn't let me get a word in the entire 'Bible Study'. Cindy went on a rant and eventually dragged Maricela away, never to return.

Maybe my address is flagged or blacklisted now, maybe not. Either way when the JW's ask me for my number and address, and I give it to them, they don't keep their word. 

Today I went up to the two women and asked them "How did Jesus resurrect?" They told me the Father raised Him from the dead, Jesus took on the form of a man and then ascended as a spirit creature. Alex had told me Jesus was raised a spirit and his original body had turned to dust. The lady today disagreed with Alex. We spoke for several more minutes until they said they had to go (Go figure). They gave me an invitation to their memorial (Yaay!). A group of JW's caught up with us in the middle of our conversation and I repeated my question to them. "If Jesus resurrected as a spirit creature, his original body being destroyed or Jehovah preserving it somewhere, what do you think of John 2:19-21?" The main girl who I had been speaking with gave me John 14:28 (Of Course!).
"You heard that I said to you, ‘I go away, and I will come to you.’ If you loved Me, you would have rejoiced because I go to the Father, for the Father is greater than I."
I then tried to explain to her that Jesus positionally lowered himself taking on the form of a man (Phil 2). Greater refers to position NOT nature. The president of the United States is in a greater position than me, however is he not better than me. His nature is still a human being. Jesus said 'the Father is greater than I, not better than me, there is a big difference. Jesus' true nature is God.

There was an older woman in the group that approached us, she flipped out and told me that they all had to go because they had to finish passing out their invitations. I asked her why she was being so mean. She said she was in a hurry, and that this was their "business". I felt grieved for them, they are like lambs to the slaughter. I felt like I was going to cry. Not because the woman was yelling, but because they are so lost. The old woman told me "Hunny, we are Christians". The young woman who I had been original talking to was clearly bothered by what was going on. The group started to walk on, leaving us alone for just a minute. I could tell she was shocked, I told her I would see her later.

It seems to me JW's only speak with the ignorant and naive. Those who know God's Word and are willing to defend it along with anyone who is opposed to the organization, they don't bother with. That is one of the reasons why they are so successful.

I pray God Almighty, Jesus Christ, will open up their eyes and that the young woman today will question her new beliefs, the authenticity of their "Christianity" and come to know the true Jesus of the Bible. Please pray for her.

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