The harmony between science and faith

The harmony between science and faith
         I believe science has been redefined in our culture. When most people hear the word science the idea of millions of years, the big bang, and macro evolution come to their mind. Science however is based on observations (using one or more of the five senses) and repeatable processes to gain knowledge about the world. This is known as observational science. The issue of Creation/Evolution is the study of the past.  We cannot repeat the past because it is history. Many people are so sure that they know how life began, however they were not there to witness it. There is not one living scientist that was there to observe the Big Bang that supposedly occurred 13-15 billion years ago, nor the rock formations that took millions of years. They cannot repeat these events either. All of the evidence exists in the present. Evolution is a belief system about the past. It takes faith to believe that the universe we see today is a result of a random chance event that took place 13-15 billion years ago. It also takes faith to believe that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Interestingly, almost every branch of Science, was founded, co-founded or advanced by a Bible believing Creationist. Christians and Evolutionists both practice observational science and both have an idea of how the earth began. The idea that science and faith cannot coexist is a fallacy because everyone exercises faith.

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