Atheism, Logic and the Bible

Yesterday Richard Dawkins came to San Diego to speak. Atheists and Agnostics young and old lined up with Bibles in hand (The God Delusion) to hear him. As I stood outside handing out tracts, I couldn't help but think how irrational they are. They promote reason and logic and reject organized religion. Yet, there they were gathering together to promote Atheism. Instead of addressing the issues that we brought up, they would verbally attack us: "Venom, uneducated Christians, crazy creationist, religious zealots"; these are all classic Ad Hominem attacks. They think that they are for logic, however they themselves commit logical fallacies left and right.  They think the argument is faith verse reason. It takes faith to believe in God and it is reasonable to reject His existence. 

My question to the evolutionists was "How did life originate?" Most answers went like this, "There was the big bang...then primordial soap and then uhmm you know evolution!" The fact is they don't know! It is easy to be an atheist when you don't think about where everything came from. It takes more faith to believe in the bang bang than it does to believe the first verse in the Bible. Were you there atheists? No. You were not there in the beginning when the universe began. So how do you know? I know someone who was there, who cannot lie and always tells the truth, God. He has recorded it in His word, the Bible.

Most of my conversations yesterday went like this:

Me: "See this building, was there a builder?" 

A: "Of course there was a builder!"

Me: "How do you know? You cant see the builder, touch him, etc.?"

A: "Because it is obvious, the building is proof that there was a builder."

Me: "It is the same with Creation, Creation is proof of a Creator"

A: "Well, with the building, I can look up the records and find the builder"

Me: "It is the same with God, He has left you a record and promises that if you seek Him diligently, you will find Him"

This is when they usually became inconsistent and changed the subject or would say that it doesn't apply to God. Creation demands a creator. Scientific discoveries have shown that the universe had to have a beginning. So again, how did life originate? Evolutionist Professor Paul Davies admitted, “Nobody knows how a mixture of lifeless chemicals spontaneously organized themselves into the first living cell.” Andrew Knoll, professor of biology, Harvard, said, “we don’t really know how life originated on this planet”. Wow. Talk about blind faith. 

I find it completely ironic that Atheists usually title their crusades (conventions) with the word reason or rational in it, i.e. The Reason Rally. They use logic to reason with me that God is a delusion. Laws of logic are transcendent truths. But why would there be a universal standard for reasoning in a random-chance universe? Without the laws of logic reasoning would be impossible. Where do the laws of logic come from? The materialistic atheist believes that nature is all that there is. They believe that there is no transcendent God who maintains His creation. Many atheists believe that their worldview is rational—and scientific. However, by embracing materialism, the atheist has destroyed the possibility of knowledge, as well as science and technology. In other words, if atheism were true, it would be impossible to prove anything. 

Atheists cannot account for logic. Christians can! Laws of logic are God's standard of thinking. Since God is an unchanging, immaterial and universal Being, the laws of logic are immaterial, universal and invariant. The laws of logic are contingent upon the Biblical God. Only the Biblical God can account for all of these properties. Naturalism is the belief that nature is all that there is. But logic is not apart of the material world, you can't point your telescope somewhere and see a law of logic. They are not natural, they would not exist if materialism was true. Yet, the naturalist attempts to use reason and logic to support his position. He is using something to support his own position when they wouldn't even exist if his position was true. The fact that he is able to make an argument proves that he is wrong. (Any rebuttal to this is not rational.)

My heart went out to the God rejecters yesterday. Romans 1 tells us that everyone knows that God exist. They just suppress the truth in wickedness. I think it all boils down to self will. People do not want responsibility for their actions. If you reject God, and want to live your life separated from Him, when you die, God is just going to give you what you want. Hell is separation from God. Chose this day who you will serve.  

"Come now, and let us reason together. Though your sins are as scarlet, They will be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They will be like wool." Isaiah 1:18

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