My Kingdom Hall Experience Part 5

The following is my experience of attending a Kingdom Hall for five weeks straight. After each meeting and discussion with the Jehovah's Witnesses I wrote out my thoughts. Names have been changed for obvious reasons. All information is accurate and honest as possible. On Sunday I struggled to leave church to reach the Kingdom Hall on time. I arrived earlier than last week but still late. Today there was another special guest, the Circuit Overseer. The Circuit Overseer of Jehovah's Witnesses is an elder that is appointed directly by the Governing Body, he travels from congregation to congregation "building up everyone spiritually" and speaks about how great the "preaching work is". Jane had told me his message was going to be on the Good News, which would help me with my questions. I walked into a dark Kingdom Hall, a video was playing. I couldn't believe how many people were here today. The usher approached me and asked if I wanted to sit next to Jane...