My Kingdom Hall Experience Part 2

The following is my experience of attending a Kingdom Hall for five weeks straight. After each meeting and discussion with the Jehovah's Witnesses I wrote out my thoughts. Names have been changed for obvious reasons. All information is accurate and honest as possible. 

I was quite nervous when I found out Cindy was going to come over. I prayed and fasted that she wouldn't. I thought she was too experienced, would see right through me and I wouldn't have an honest discussion with Jane. Those older JW woman can be very emotional and irrational. When I opened the door Wednesday I was surprised to see Jane's brother who is two years older than her. They stayed for two hours, I sensed her brother was a tad bit suspicious. I think they both saw the contradiction between the WT Good News and the Bible's Good News. Jane admitted it was different but for good reason (times are different now). Her brother sort of went on the defensive. He started asking me irrelevant questions such as, "Do you believe in the Trinity?" "Do you believe Jesus is God?" They have a misunderstanding of both of these doctrines, so I asked him what he meant, tried to correct his inaccurate thinking and told him we are off topic.

The WT religion is built on several false premises, 1) Jehovah always uses an organization to dispense His truth 2) You need help to understand the Bible 3) The Watchtower was appointed as God's faithful and discreet slave.

 If a Jehovah's Witness doubts a WT doctrine, he will ask himself "Well, what other organization is doing this, that and the other?" But contrary to the WT's teaching, the Bible never mentions salvation through an organization.

I asked them if they wanted to come back. They said they would. Jane said she would do some research which means she will search the Watchtower CD ROM and come back next week. I told them I might show up on Sunday.

These two are extremely nice people, they both have grown up "in the truth". When they left I got on my knees and prayed for them.


I stayed in prayer all week. These two young Jehovah's Witnesses are totally sincere in their faith. But sincerity wont get them into the Kingdom.

I showed up late Sunday at the Kingdom Hall. I missed "The Talk" which was a bummer. I wanted to count how many times the elder said the term "The Truth". "Before I found the Truth" "I'm sorry for the people who aren't in the Truth" "We are in the Truth".

This type of language really sets on "us verses they" mentality. The WT teaches that truth is only found in their organization. Since truth is found in the Watchtower Society, Jehovah's Witnesses will never search for it in Jesus (John 14:6).

Jesus is rarely mentioned in these meetings. I can count with one hand the number of times his name is said. But 'Jehovah' 'Paradise' 'Kingdom' 'the Truth' 'Organization', I lose count the number of times those words are said. I keep thinking that truth is found in Jesus Christ and not an organization. The word 'organization' is not even in the Bible.

As I was sitting there next to Jane, thinking about how she has grown up "in the Truth", I could have burst into tears, it is all she knows. JW's are told that anyone who disagrees with Watchtower doctrine is an opposer of the truth and wants to destroy their relationship with Jehovah and one another. How can anyone reach Jehovah's Witnesses when they have this kind of mentality?

At the meeting they announced that next week there would be a guest speaker from an area that I used to live in. I hope he doesn't recognize me. Many Jehovah's Witnesses from that area are familiar with me and my evangelism efforts.


I waited expectantly for Jane Wednesday Morning, yesterday I had this feeling that she wouldn't show up. Ten O' clock struck and my cell phone rang. Sure enough she wasn't able to make it. We rescheduled for Friday morning but I had to cancel because of work.

Every night I tossed and turned, I became burdened for her and her family. Throughout the week different thoughts would pop in my mind, "What are you doing?" "You have no right to do this" "This isn't going to work" "Just stop" "There is nothing you can do about it". 

All of these thoughts do not line up with Scripture. I prayed, contemplated and contemplated about going again on Sunday. I was concerned the guest speaker would recognize me. Two years ago it became my habit to pull over or stop whatever it was I was doing and talk to the JW's. I sort of became known among them. Even those who I had never spoken to knew my name.

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