My Kingdom Hall Experience Part 5

The following is my experience of attending a Kingdom Hall for five weeks straight. After each meeting and discussion with the Jehovah's Witnesses I wrote out my thoughts. Names have been changed for obvious reasons. All information is accurate and honest as possible. 

On Sunday I struggled to leave church to reach the Kingdom Hall on time. I arrived earlier than last week but still late. Today there was another special guest, the Circuit Overseer. The Circuit Overseer of Jehovah's Witnesses is an elder that is appointed directly by the Governing Body, he travels from congregation to congregation "building up everyone spiritually" and speaks about how great the "preaching work is". Jane had told me his message was going to be on the Good News, which would help me with my questions. I walked into a dark Kingdom Hall, a video was playing. I couldn't believe how many people were here today. The usher approached me and asked if I wanted to sit next to Jane. He couldn't see where her family was sitting so I told him I would wait until the video finished. People kept entering in, pretty soon there was a group of us standing in the foyer. Someone got one chair and put it against the wall behind everyone's seats. No one was sitting in it so I walked up to the usher and asked if I could sit there. He said yes. I got out my notepad and began taking notes. I was familiar with this video I watched parts of it on their website. There I sat with over 200 witnesses in front of me and a Jehovah's Witness standing on each side of me.

The video was titled "Jehovah's Witnesses-Organized to Share the Good News". In the introduction the narrator said, " In the first century the sharing of good news was governed by a body of spirit anointed men, likewise today the entire worldwide organization is directed by a group of mature Christian men called the governing body. These man have appointed other committees of Jehovah's Witnesses to direct the worldwide preaching work".

When Jehovah's Witnesses talk about the Governing Body, it is rather strange. They speak of these men almost as if they were prophets or they actually spoke with Jehovah directly. It seems the writings of the Governing Body are never questioned but taken with great joy. The Watchtower talks about others who are in "false religion" and who would rather follow men instead of Jehovah. It seems to me the Jehovah's Witnesses are doing exactly what they accuse others of. They believe everything this "Governing Body" tells them. Isn't this following men, instead of Jehovah?

As I am watching the video, a gentleman gave up his seat for a young couple to sit down. The young man put his arm around his wife. I wondered if they really believed everything in the video and if they felt so privileged to be apart of this worldwide preaching work or if they rarely attended meetings and just were there because the Circuit Overseer was speaking. Another man entered who was dressed in jean shorts and a T-Shirt, he had tattoos covering his arms and a girl who I assume was his daughter accompanied him, she was in a pretty dress. I wondered how long he had been studying with the Jehovah's Witnesses, or maybe he was married to a Witness. This man clearly was not a Jehovah's Witness because he was not in a suit. As more people entered and made room for each other I realized that the Circuit Overseer visiting is a special thing.
In the video many Jehovah's Witnesses were interviewed from around the world. These people were truly happy to be apart of what they called "a worldwide brotherhood". I have noticed that one of the key draw cards to being a Jehovah's Witness is that "you can go anywhere in the world and talk to a Jehovah's Witness and they will believe exactly the same thing". This is supposed to be a sign of unity and proof that they really have "the truth". However, does this "unity" really prove that the Watchtower is guided by God? If one was to look deeper what would the true reason for this unity be?

I think Jehovah's Witnesses are misunderstood. Many people simply don't like them because they knock on their doors at inconvenient times, disrupt their family time or feel like they are violating their privacy. But, the Jehovah's Witnesses believe they have 'The Truth', they have the answer to life's most challenging questions. They believe that they alone possess the message which contains the solution to this imperfect world. If you believed there was only one way to be saved and Armageddon could come at any minute, wouldn't you try to warn as many people as you possible could?

The video ended, the lights turned on and everyone clapped for the presentation, including myself. The usher gave instructions to another JW to not allow those who were standing in the foyer to sit down yet. I felt so special as the usher guided me to my seat. Today I sat in the row in front of Jane because there was no room in the row she was sitting in. The entire congregation stood to worship. The girl who sat next to me couldn't have been older than 18, she was instructed to share her song book with me. As the congregation started to sing I introduced myself to her and we shook hands. We sung a 'Kingdom Melody' titled "To Whom Do You Belong?". The Watchtower teaches that Jesus Christ is the first thing and only thing directly created by Jehovah God. Jesus Christ is Michael the Archangel who is NOT Almighty God but the mighty god. The NWT translates John 1:1 as Jesus being a god. For this reason I found the song we sung extremely ironic:

"To whom do you belong, Which god do you now obey? Your master is he to whom you bow. He is your god; you serve him now. You cannot serve two gods; Both masters can never share."  I really was shocked at the lyrics, I actually stopped singing because I could not believe the irony, especially in the second verse: "To whom do you belong? Which god will you now obey? For one god is false and one is true, So make your choice, it's up to you." If there is only one true God, then according to the Watchtower, does that make Jesus a true god or a false god? Does the Watchtower have two true gods?

The Circuit Overseer talked how Jehovah's Witnesses have translated Bibles in many languages along with their magazines. He emphasized how Jehovah's Witnesses give Bibles and Bible based literature away for free. He spoke how false religion is money hungry and always demanding contributions. In the next breath he said, "the governing body has deep appreciation for the Jehovah's Witnesses who donate money from their heart". The way the Watchtower speaks of false religion or Christendom is seriously ridiculous. Jane, growing up as a Jehovah's Witness has never entered a Christian church. She never will enter one as long as she believes the Governing Body is guided by God. Based on the description the Watchtower gives concerning Christendom, Jane's view of a church like mine is probably extremely distorted and therefore inaccurate.

The Circuit Overseer encouraged the congregation to travel overseas and become missionaries. He reminded them that it is their responsibility to figure out all the details if they were interested in missionary work. I wondered how many Jehovah's Witnesses feel overloaded with all of their responsibilities. They are constantly being 'encouraged' to attend every single meeting (5 meeting per week), go into field service, read every issue of the Watchtower and Awake along the Bible and participate in the Watchtower study. I wondered how many Jehovah's Witnesses truly do all these things out of love for Jehovah or out of an attempt to earn approval from man. It seems that the race they run can become easily tiresome by being loaded down with countless activities. During the Watchtower study Jehovah's Witnesses are encouraged to answer the pre-printed questions out loud. I noticed that out of 200 people only a handful regularly raise their hand to answer the questions. Jane's family is included among the regulars who actually participate in the meetings. Her father even lead a prayer today. The first week I attended, I noticed Jane's brother raise his hand for every question. He was only called on once and seemed frustrated that he was not called on again. The Watchtower claims that by doing all of the things they are staying close to Jehovah and his organization. However, a person can be involved in countless church activities and not have a close relationship with God. Three verses came to my mind thinking about this topic.

"Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light". Matthew 11:28-30

"They tie up heavy burdens and lay them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with so much as a finger". Matthew 23:4

"By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and observe His commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome." 1 John 5:2-3

After the meeting I talked with Jane and her mother. Jane's mother told me she also grew up in "the truth". She told me she heard I had many questions and requested that I be patient with them. I told her I was excited for my questions to be answered and was worried that they would become impatient with me. She explained to me how Jane had been studying more than usual lately in an attempt to answer my questions. She said sometimes we can get stuck in a rut so this was a good thing. Jane's mother encouraged me and implied how it would take time because I did have a background in Christendom. She also explained how I could go anywhere in the world and the Jehovah's Witnesses would believe exactly the same thing, unlike the Catholics. She opened up her New World Translation and gave a few reasons why she liked it. I think the Jehovah's Witnesses (whether they realize it or not) try to convince potential converts they have the truth with several points initially. These points were repeated to me more than once by different people.

1) Unity: Jehovah's Witnesses believe the same thing everywhere.
2) Money: The do not pass a collection plate, they have a contribution box in the back of the Kingdom Hall which a person can put a donation if they feel led. 
3) The New World Translation: They do not say right off the bat they believe it is the most accurate translation, but they do. They will introduce the NWT by describing to you how it is easy to understand, has a reference column and an index in the back, but most importantly it has restored Jehovah's name to its' original place.

The three of us talked for awhile. I told them I was confused why the Watchtower has put so much emphasis on the name Jehovah when we do not know God's exact name and the word 'Jehovah' is a man made term. Jane's mother told me that we do not know Jesus' exact name either. I told them that I wasn't talking about Jesus' name but the name Jehovah, since 'Jehovah' is what the Watchtower constantly emphasizes. Our conversation centered around two questions I had.

1) YHWH contains no vowels. It cannot be pronounced. How then is it Jehovah is the English translation and we must call God this?

2) God is identified in other ways in Scripture besides the name Jehovah. One example of this is the expression, "God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob". Doesn't this show us that God is not only known by the name Jehovah?

Jane's mother suggested that the name of Jehovah would be a good place to start our study, I agreed. In the brochure, "Good News from God", Lesson 3 talks about how we can be sure the Bible is true. There is a foot note that says, "See the brochure A Book for All People", I requested this brochure. I told them how I believed the Bible was a remarkable book that could be trusted. I was attempting to find common ground with them. Jane's mother mentioned how she was unsure the way I felt about the Watchtower Study. I told her I did find it unusual because most Christian meetings only use the Bible without any other literature. We talked for a few more minutes. Jane's mother walked over to talk to some of her friends. When she was talking with me I noticed that she tried to avoid the term "The Truth". I had asked Jane in a previous meeting what they meant by the term, "The Truth". She showed me John 17:17, "Sanctify them in truth, Your word is truth". What I got from the verse was that the term just referred to the Bible. However, hearing them say "the truth" so many times, one couldn't help but think there is more to this term then what they tell you at first.

While I continued to talk to Jane I thought about how my time there would not last forever. Eventually it would come to an end. I wanted to spend more time talking with her but my cell phone kept ringing, today was Mother's Day and my parents wanted to spend the day together. I know Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate any holidays which they haven't mentioned to me yet. I had to cut our conversation short and leave.  I don't know if Jane could tell by my face that I was disappointed to have to leave sooner than I had wanted. She promised we would meet on Tuesday and showed me my name in her calendar cell phone to confirm.

As I was leaving Cynthia and another woman named Karen greeted me with much enthusiasm. They gave me a hug and introduced me to several other Jehovah's Witnesses, they each shook my hand and one said, "I have heard a lot about you". I wondered what it was exactly they have heard about me, maybe the usual potential convert does not ask as many questions.

I drove away feeling concerned and confused. Jehovah's Witnesses are genuine in their faith but the Watchtower has been known to be wrong. I have read how the Watchtower predicted many dates that did not come true, prophets were supposed to be resurrected in 1925, families have been torn apart because someone chose to question the Governing Body. Knowing all of this I still can not help but view their sense of community as attractive. Everyone longs for acceptance and the perfect family. A place where everyone is in agreement, you feel as though you have finally found what you are looking for. This is what all high control groups offer, something that is really too good to be true. Jane and I are alike in many ways. She has chosen to devote her life to Jehovah by becoming a regular pioneer, I have made Jesus my Lord and have given him the right to direct my life. Romans 1:16 exhorts us to not be ashamed of the Good News of Jesus because it is the power of God unto Salvation.

So here Jane and I are, really attempting to do the same thing to each other. I chose to walk up to her group because I am concerned and love them with an agape love. I wonder if they meet with me because they truly care about me or is it to get honor from men.

At the Kingdom Hall there is a cabinet that contains the recent Watchtower and Awake magazines. On top of this cabinet is a section that holds little cards for the Jehovah's Witnesses to take. They are required to use these cards to report every magazine they give to someone and every house they visit. They count their hours in ministry, literature given, and write notes about each person they visit. Am I just another hour to count? Just another Study Report? Or do they genuinely care about me discovering the truth? Everything I have done so far is because I am concerned about their eternal destiny. The test will be when they find out everything about me. How will they react then? Will they continue to show the love of God? Or will everything that is behind the smiles and perfect image be revealed?

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