180 Movie
The first time I watched ‘180’ I got the chills. I was
completely shocked how the people interviewed in the beginning of the video had
not heard of Adolf Hitler. As George Santayana said, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." I believe education about the Holocaust should be
mandatory for all children. Many people view the Holocaust as a horrific event
and claim to value human life. These same people in their next breath will
defend the killing of innocent babies in their mother's womb. The justifications
for abortion are jaw dropping.
In 180 every single person told how they felt
about abortion. It was all about their feelings! "I feel
like...." "But I just feel…." "To me...."
Is this how we decide what is right and wrong nowadays? The way we feel?! This
is called moral relativism. Truth varies from person to person. I could tell by
watching 180 that many people have been influenced by this type of truth that
is subjective. Regardless of our opinions
on abortion, it is a medical fact that life begins at conception.
"By all the criteria of modern molecular biology, life is present from the moment of conception." - Dr. Hymie Gordon, Chairman of the Dept. of Genetics, Mayo Clinic
"Biologically speaking, human development begins at fertilization."
- "The Biology of Prenatal Development", National Geographic, 2006
"An abortion kills the life of a baby after it has begun. It is dangerous to your life and health. It may make you sterile so that you want a child you cannot have it". - Planned Parenthood, "Plan Your Children" brochure, 1964
During the video I was thinking how people create a god
in their own mind to suit their lifestyle. God knows when life begins and He
says, “You shall not murder”. At just six weeks the baby has hands, eyes,
brainwaves, and a beating heart. Ray Comfort asked, “It’s okay to kill a baby
in the womb when…?” There was either no answer to that question or an unintelligent
Today images of the Holocaust are displayed to show the
horrible things the Nazi’s did. Images affect us. There are even commercials
with animals that have been abused in order to provoke its viewers to donate
money. However, when pro-lifers want to display the images of murdered children
to show how heinous it is, they are called hateful bigots.
180 movie was powerful and to the point. Paralleling
abortion with the holocaust was smart. Hitler justified murdering the Jews by
claiming they were not human. Today many people support abortion, justifying it
by claiming the baby is not human but “just a clump of cells”.
Just as Alicia in the video said that everyone needed to rise up during the Holocaust, today we need to rise up and defend the slaughter of the unborn.
I thought it was great that Ray Comfort included the
gospel into his interviews. Abortion is just one result of a sin cursed world.
Only the gospel can set people free and can truly change hearts and minds.