
Showing posts from April, 2012

The harmony between science and faith

The harmony between science and faith          I believe science has been redefined in our culture. When most people hear the word science the idea of millions of years, the big bang, and macro evolution come to their mind. Science however is based on observations (using one or more of the five senses) and repeatable processes to gain knowledge about the world. This is known as observational science. The issue of Creation/Evolution is the study of the past.  We cannot repeat the past because it is history. Many people are so sure that they know how life began, however they were not there to witness it. There is not one living scientist that was there to observe the Big Bang that supposedly occurred 13-15 billion years ago, nor the rock formations that took millions of years. They cannot repeat these events either. All of the evidence exists in the present. Evolution is a belief system about the past. It takes faith to believe that the uni...

Atheism, Logic and the Bible

Yesterday Richard Dawkins came to San Diego to speak. Atheists and Agnostics young and old lined up with Bibles in hand (The God Delusion) to hear him. As I stood outside handing out tracts, I couldn't help but think how irrational they are. They promote reason and logic and reject organized religion. Yet, there they were gathering together to promote Atheism. Instead of addressing the issues that we brought up, they would verbally attack us: "Venom, uneducated Christians, crazy creationist, religious zealots"; these are all classic Ad Hominem attacks. They think that they are for logic, however they themselves commit logical fallacies left and right.  They think the argument is faith verse reason. It takes faith to believe in God and it is reasonable to reject His existence.  My question to the evolutionists was "How did life originate?" Most answers went like this, "There was the big bang...then primordial soap and then uhmm you know evolution!" Th...

There They Are!

While I was at work today, I looked out the window and two Jehovah's Witness women were walking by. Last week I had talked to two other Jehovah's Witness young women in the same spot. I asked a question about Jesus' Resurrection. The young girl (Alex) did not know how to answer my question, I gave her my number and she said she would research it and get back to me. She hasn't so far. A week prior I asked the same question to a group of JW's, I gave one, my number and address and she said she would call and visit me. She hasn't so far either. It seems my past is catching up with me. A little over a year ago two Jehovah's Witnesses came by. Maricela and Zari. Maricela came every week for several months and always brought someone different with her. I knew Zari, she had worked at my cat's vet. Maricela grew up as a JW. I spent the next few months asking them questions. Until one day Maricela brought an older women. This woman Cindy, wouldn't let me ge...

One Minute Evangelism

This Morning I was in line at a local grocery store. I always plan on giving the cashier a gospel tract. I noticed that the cashier was wearing a gold cross necklace. A thought came into my head, "She doesn't need a tract, she's wearing a cross." I told her that I liked her necklace, she said thank you. Then, I asked her "What does it mean?" She paused and said that she didn't know, it was a gift from her son. I handed her a gospel tract and told her that it would tell her what it stands for.  Just because someone wears a cross, does not mean that they are a Christian. I am glad I asked her what did the cross mean. I am hoping she will think about it today and read the tract I gave her. Hopefully, the Holy Spirit will open her eyes and understanding. Tracts are a great way to share your faith.  Witnessing to someone does not require a degree from Biola University. Go out today, hand out a tract, talk to someone, be a witness for Jesus Christ. ...