Not Another One..

We talked for a while longer and it seemed like he was withholding information from me. He told me since God made man and women in His image then God must be a man and women. God the Mother and God the Father, he also quoted Galatians 4:26 as a proof text. I asked him if someone could find the way of salvation and the heavenly mother by just reading the Bible and no additional help, he said said no. His answer confirmed to me what I had been thinking the entire conversation, "He was in a cult." When, I arrived home I visited their official website and read everything he had told me.
Some cults are easy to identify, especially if they dress a certain way (i.e. Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses). However, most cultist dress normal, are overly friendly and if they claim to be Christian will say things like "According to the scriptures.." Most cults are not easy to identify. So, here are a few points to help you identify a cult because no one has ever shopped around to join a cult sought out to be manipulated economically, physically and emotionally.
- Beware of instant friends: Cult members seem to be friendly, caring, sensitive, and honest. In reality, however, they are often dishonest, manipulative,and destructive.
- Cults manipulate people: The key to all recruitment by any cult lies in how they manipulate people.
- Cults Do Not Allow Questioning: True leadership allows questions, and even recognizes the importance of disputes on occasion. One of the prime hallmarks of cults or other groups with cultic tendencies is the condemning of questioning.
- Cults Require Submission to Authority: Cults demand dependency and call it biblical submission.
- Cults Motivate through Guilt and Fear: Cults demand obedience and motivate their victims by using guilt and fear.
- Cults Stress Experience over Reason: Do we know the truth because we experience some-thing? No. We know the truth only after we examine the evidence, weigh it, ask questions, look for contradictions and then make an informed commitment.
- Cults Discourage Individual Freedom: Cult leaders claim that their members are not equipped to make wise personal decisions. They attempt to dictate the members' use of time, dating lives, thoughts, and beliefs, among other things. The lack of freedom lies at the breeding ground for cultism.
- Cults Offer Things that are too good to be true
Read through the Bible, trust the Holy Spirit, do your research and watch out for World Mission Society Church of God.