Let Your Kingdom Come

As a Christian my responsibility is to do God's will. Frequently I go to bus stops, trolley stops, special events and talk to people about their purpose in life. God has definitely given me a love for the lost including Jehovah's Witnesses. Every year Jehovah's Witnesses hold their annual district convention. While ministering on the streets I have come across many Jehovah's Witnesses. They take pride in being the only ones who know God's name and say that the central theme of the Bible is to sanctify Jehovah's name. It grieves me to see so many people deceived by these false prophets; the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society. At the end of May I decided to go to their annual convention and lift up the NAME of Jesus, who's name is above every name, whose name we will bow our knees to (Phil 2:9-10), and whose name we must believe on to have eternal life (1 John 5:11-13).

I took some video of the preaching done there and uploaded it to youtube. I went because I care for them and because it is my duty as a Christian to preach the Gospel. Jesus said "go into all the world". I minister often at a local bus stop where I have befriended a couple Jehovah's Witnesses. This last year and a half, we have had regular conversations about the deity of Christ, Trinity, God's plan of salvation. They saw me at the convention and did not say hello which was no surprise considering the control issue within their group. However, my visit to their convention has not stopped them from debating with me about Watchtower Christology. One of them has been a JW all his life and another one 25 years. The Bible is very clear on prophets and false prophecy, yet these JW's stay in the organization knowing the Watchtower has predicted the end of the world and it did not come to pass. They are emotionally involved in the organization. When they speak about how great the WT Society is, it sounds to me like idolatry. The WT Society has made itself into a god, whom the Jehovah's Witnesses can never deny.

But God can save to the uttermost. And I trust that the Holy Spirit will open up the eyes of them that are blinded so they may see Jesus as the Son of God and God the Son!

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