How effective is this?

This summer I went to Comic Con in San Diego California. I talked to a man about his eternal destination. I asked him if he were to die today, where would his soul go, heaven or hell. He kept bringing up purgatory and I kept telling him there is no such thing. I talked to him for a while, gave him a gospel tract and havent seen him since like many others.

Some Christians have asked me regarding the type of evangelism I do, "How effective is it?" Honestly, it does not matter how effective it is, we are commanded by Jesus to do it. We can effect people many different ways, one way that I have learned from Jesus is to proclaim the truth.

Let's get out of our comfort zone today because tomorrow is not promised. If you died today where you would spend eternity? Heaven or Hell? Who will you listen to? Self-centered individuals who are afraid of offending anyone or God the Son?

A while ago a friend of mine found this video on youtube.

Trust Jesus today.

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