Telephone Call with a Jehovah's Witness: Jesus was Born Again?

The other day I called a Kingdom Hall in order to inquire about an odd statement I had read on the official Jehovah's Witness website [JW.ORG]. On one of their webpages titled, "What does it mean to be born again? What does the Bible say?" it stated that Jesus Christ was the first person to be born again. Now, I understand that Watchtower's definition of born again differs from the Biblical and historical definition. I also understand Watchtower teaches only 144,000 anointed believers can be born again. But, I wanted to ask whoever picked up the phone where in the Bible does it specifically state that Jesus was born again. After all, the Watchtower is supposedly Bible based! Right?

What ensued was an almost thirty minute conversation and why he needed to be born again. In conversations like this one, there are always many directions one can take the conversation and considering it was a phone call their is the possibility the person will just hang up on you. As I re-listened to this conversation I wish I had addressed several things.

1) The Watchtower states in its literature that Jesus only mediates for the 144,000 heavenly class. While the Bible specifically states in 1 Timothy 2:5-6 that Jesus mediates for all mankind.

2) He brought up Hebrews 11:1 and mentioned that he must have faith regarding his hope to be resurrected on the paradise earth. However, later in this chapter the author states that the heroes of faith mentioned looked forward to a heavenly calling, Hebrews 11:13-16

Please pray for this person and that they will seek Jesus!

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