Abortion Interview and Response
I recently interviewed a man on the subject of abortion. His name was Randall and he supported abortion. The reasons he gave in defense of his position are not new or reasonably thought out. They are just slogans that have been repeated enough times which individuals have based a very important ethical issue on. In this paper I will respond to his arguments and replace misinformation with truth, using logic and the Bible. The first argument Randall gave in support of his position was, “It’s not a baby in the womb, but a fetus, and it is just tissue”. Now, an unborn child will be called many names by pro abortionists in order to dehumanize it. Pro abortionists will call the baby in the mother’s womb a human zygote, blastocyst, an embryo, fetus, tissue and clump of cells, anything about a baby. It is a biological fact that life begins at conception. Even pro abortionists ...