
Showing posts from September, 2010

How effective is this?

This summer I went to Comic Con in San Diego California. I talked to a man about his eternal destination. I asked him if he were to die today, where would his soul go, heaven or hell. He kept bringing up purgatory and I kept telling him there is no such thing. I talked to him for a while, gave him a gospel tract and havent seen him since like many others. Some Christians have asked me regarding the type of evangelism I do, "How effective is it?" Honestly, it does not matter how effective it is, we are commanded by Jesus to do it. We can effect people many different ways, one way that I have learned from Jesus is to proclaim the truth. Let's get out of our comfort zone today because tomorrow is not promised. If you died today where you would spend eternity? Heaven or Hell? Who will you listen to? Self-centered individuals who are afraid of offending anyone or God the Son? A while ago a friend of mine found this video on youtube. Trust Jesus today.

My Testimony

I was raised in a Christian home by godly parents who only wanted to see their daughter serve Jesus. I went to a Christian school from kindergarten through my junior year of High School. Throughout High school I was always striving to please others (and not in a good way). I had no idea who I was. I claimed to be a Christian because I went to church and read the Bible, but I had no hunger for righteousness. I wanted to know God but at the same time be like the world. I confessed Jesus as my Lord and Savior, but by my actions I denied Him. I called myself a Christian but there was no evidence of Christ in my life. God's wrath remained on me, I was dead in sin and walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air. I said I loved Jesus, but I also loved sin. I read my Bible out of obligation and habit not because I treasured God's Word more than my necessary food. My senior year of High School I attended a public school for the firs...