Follow in the Footsteps of Christ

"For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps." 1 Peter 2:21 Have you answered the call of Christ in your life? There are many people sitting in the church today; those who are saved by the blood of Jesus and those who are pretenders. Ephesians 2 makes has made it very clear to us that there are only two classes of people. There are those who are born again and those who are still children of wrath, walking around spiritual blind. There are so many on their way to hell, and so many Christians never giving these people are second thought. If you are a Christian, then Jesus Christ needs to be the very center of your life! He must be the very center of your thoughts, your goals, your dreams! If you claim to have professed Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then He must be Lord over your entire life. What are you doing for Jesus Christ today? What are doing for the King of Glory who she...