
Showing posts from June, 2017

Telephone Call with a Jehovah's Witness: Jesus was Born Again?

The other day I called a Kingdom Hall in order to inquire about an odd statement I had read on the official Jehovah's Witness website [JW.ORG]. On one of their webpages titled, "What does it mean to be born again? What does the Bible say?" it stated that Jesus Christ was the first person to be born again. Now, I understand that Watchtower's definition of born again differs from the Biblical and historical definition. I also understand Watchtower teaches only 144,000 anointed believers can be born again. But, I wanted to ask whoever picked up the phone where in the Bible does it specifically state that Jesus was born again. After all, the Watchtower is supposedly Bible based ! Right? What ensued was an almost thirty minute conversation and why he needed to be born again. In conversations like this one, there are always many directions one can take the conversation and considering it was a phone call their is the possibility the person will just hang up on you. As I...

The Problem of Evil

Written 12/15 The world is filled with many variations of suffering and pain, from mere accidents like tripping and twisting one’s ankle to catastrophes such as earthquakes and tsunamis, from bank robberies to mass murders, horrible events occur every day.  Some have not been able to reconcile the existence of such things with the existence of an all powerful, good and loving God. They therefore have concluded that such a Being does not exist.  However, I would contend that the existence of evil and the ability to recognize it actually is evidence that a good God does exist and there is an ultimate standard of how things should be.             The Bible describes God’s nature as being purely eternally good, loving and merciful. Psalm 119:68 reads, “You are good and do good; teach me Your statutes” Psalm 107:1 says, “Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His loving-kindness is everlasting” and finally in Psa...