
Showing posts from May, 2017

The I Am Statements of Jesus

By Mike Oppenheimer (Let Us Reason Ministries) ( Articlesource ) Who do you say Jesus is? Jesus asked this same question to his disciples about what others thought of him and then asked what they thought of him. Jn.5:37: "And the Father himself, who sent me, has borne witness of me. You have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape. ‘Jesus gives the source of his commission, which is from the Father personally. It is the Fathers voice and form they have not seen, yet Christ has. Christ who is called the exact image of the invisible Father is the voice that the people heard. He then says that they search the Scriptures in them you think you have eternal life but they testify of me."(v.39) The Son is said to be the eternal life with the Father. Are we to believe the Scriptures testify of only a human being and not God himself? In the end of the discourse Jesus says in vs.46-47 "If you believed Moses you would believe Me; for he wrote about me...

Did Jesus' Body Rot in the Tomb? Talking to Jehovah's Witnesses about the Resurrection of Jesus

Here is a conversion of two Jehovah's Witnesses I spoke to recently. I approached them and calmly asked them what happened to the resurrected Lord's body. They both said that Jesus' body rotted in the tomb. Honestly, I was taken aback by this and just rolled with it. What they said is not official Watchtower doctrine, so it was quite bizarre. The official Watchtower doctrine is that Jehovah did not let Jesus' body see decay. But, Jehovah's Witnesses do teach that Jesus resurrected as a spirit creature and re materialized in different forms after his resurrection. When I approach JW's I always like to ask questions about not being able to reconcile two things: Something the Bible said and something the Watchtower said. I then ask them to explain it to me because I'm confused. They consider themselves teachers of the Bible, therefore they are more than willing to help! But, in their attempt to help they open themselves up to hearing an opposing opinion a...