
Showing posts from April, 2015

Is the New Testament a myth or an accurate historical document?

Is the New Testament a myth or an accurate historical document? The idea that the New Testament is a collection of embellished stories has been propagated through pop culture and universities. Many have come to believe that Jesus Christ of Nazareth never really existed and the New Testament which accounts his life is fiction. Others have recognized that Jesus Christ is an actual historical figure, however they retain that the New Testament is a legend similar to Robin Hood or a historical fiction similar to Homer’s Iliad. The first thing we must understand about the New Testament is that it is set in a time and place that is recorded in history and which still exists today. This point seems to be overlooked by many people who make the assertion that the New Testament is a fairytale or myth. Unlike for example the Book of Mormon which mentions people groups and cities which have not been found in recorded history, the New Testament puts geographical places, people groups, and politic...